Window Captions

The captions of the various windows that comprise the Dyalog Integrated Development Environment (IDE) are user-configurable and defined by entries in the Windows registry in the Captions subkey of the main Dyalog key.

Note that this only applies when the windows are floating (un-docked). When a window is docked Dyalog displays a fixed non-configurable caption.

Note also that the Captions subkey is not created by the interpreter; the user must create the subkey and the values.

Each entry is a string value whose name identifies the window as follows:

Window Name Description
Session The main Dyalog APL session window
Editor The Editor window
SysTray The hint on Dyalog icons in the System Tray
MessageBox The notification Message Box that is displayed in various circumstances; for example, when an object cannot be fixed by the Editor
Explorer The Workspace Explorer tool
Rebuild Errors The dialog box that is displayed if one or more objects cannot be re-instantiated when a workspace is loaded
Status The Status window
Event Viewer The Event Viewer
FindReplace The Find/Replace dialog box
ExitDialog The Exit dialog box that is displayed when the user closes the Session window
WSSearch The Find Objects tool
Syserror The Syserror Message Box

Each string value should contain a mixture of your own text and keywords which are enclosed in braces, e.g. {TITLE}. Keywords act like variables and are replaced at display time by corresponding values as described in the table below.

Keyword Value
{TITLE} The window name shown in the first column of the previous table
{WSID} Workspace ID (⎕WSID)
{NSID} Current Namespace
{SNSID} Current Namespace (short version)
{PRODUCT} The name of the Dyalog product, e.g. "Dyalog APL/W - 64"
{VER_A} The main version number, e.g. "14"
{VER_B} The secondary version number, e.g. "0"
{VER_C} The tertiary version number (currently the internal revision number)
{PID} The process ID
{CHARS} "Classic" or "Unicode"
{BITS} "32" or "64"
{XLOC} The namespace currently being explored (Explorer only)

For example, if the Registry contains .\Captions\Session whose value is:

    My APL ({WSID}) Version {VER_A}.{VER_B}[{VER_C}]  - {PID}

then the caption displayed in a new Dyalog APL Session window might be:

    My APL (CLEAR WS) Version 14.0[20105] - 4616